“David Sinden is someone to hire for conferences and choral workshops, as he clearly knows how to get the most out of a choir. ”
— Marjorie Johnston, AAM Journal, October 2021
“Organist David Sinden used creative registrations and dynamics that not only brought out the depth of the text, but also created a feeling of ensemble between the assembled forces.”
— McCoy, Patrick. Examiner.com 17 June 2014.
“David [Sinden] of course provides continuity with the past as well as centered leadership and solid musicianship for the present. I was most impressed with his preparation for and conducting of the Christ Church Singers rehearsal…but, equally, his sense of vocation as a church musician and his engagement in excellence and growth.”
— Dr. Benjamin Hutto. 2 February 2010
“If the choral works heard here are reflective of the musical fare for the services at St. Peter’s, then the congregation, the community, and the liturgy are well served there, and this choir can be an example-setter for others. … Listening to the recorded voices and instruments at St. Peter’s Church brings one a sense of hope and provides an inspired reminder of what once was and what shall be.”
— ‘Longing for Home’ review, The American Organist, Dec. 2020
“The organist and the music were one and the true features of the Baroque work were apparent in the performance. Sinden has obviously found the heart of the Old Master Bach and displayed his mastery especially in the closing work.””
— Journal and Courier (Lafayette, Ind.) 20 March 2008.
“Larger-scale works by Frank Boles, James Erb, John Ferguson, and Sinden himself round out the choral portion of the collection, with a bonus track being an epic ten-minute work for solo organ by Zachary Wadsworth, Variations on an Old American Tune: six dramatic takes on the effervescent tune ‘Land of Rest’, vividly rendered by Maestro Sinden.”
— ‘Longing for Home’ review, The American Organist, Dec. 2020
“Thank you for playing the pipe organ for us. I loved it. It was really loud, but that was the cool part.”
— Jacob P., 3rd grader, April 2008
“Organist David Sinden provided masterful accompaniment for the choir — shading all the crevices, plumbing the depths, and exalting the peaks.”
— The Diapason, February 2008
“[David Sinden’s] ‘Jesus Paid It All’ is wonderful—and quite unexpected from an Episcopal choir who also sing much more complex music even here.””
— ‘Longing for Home‘ review, American Record Guide, Jan/Feb 2021