Hello! I’m David Sinden, the Organist & Director of Music at St. Peter’s Episcopal Church in Saint Louis, Missouri.
At St. Peter’s I play a 56-rank Mander organ, the largest mechanical action organ in St. Louis. As it turns out, my whole career has included playing mechanical action organs in Episcopal Churches in states that border Kentucky.
There are three choirs I direct at St. Peter’s: St. Peter’s Choir, the St. Peter’s Singers, and a chorister program affiliated with the Royal School of Church Music.
“Organist David Sinden provided masterful accompaniment for the choir — shading all the crevices, plumbing the depths, and exalting the peaks”
- The Diapason, February 2008
I co-host a podcast called All Things Rite & Musical with the Rev. Ian Lasch. All Things Rite & Musical is about liturgy and music from our Episcopal/Anglican perspective. To listen visit riteandmusical.org.
I write a blog, and you can follow me on Twitter.
I am often asked where one can find my Carol Service Spreadsheets.